22-23 October 2019

Organizers: Silvia De Bianchi and Daniel Vázquez

Sala d'Actes, Department of Philosophy - Campus UAB


Tuesday 22nd October

Sala d’Actes – Philosophy Dept. UAB


10:30-10:45 Introduction, program information/changes

10:45-11:45 Barbara Sattler “Chronos as all-encompassing – Plato’s Unification of Time”

12:00-13:00 Viktor Ilievski “The Demiurge and His Place in Plato’s Metaphysical Scheme”


14:30-15:30 Luca Pitteloud “Motion before Motion: Timaeus’ Description of chaos in the Universe (52d4-53b5)”

15:45-16:45 Jenny Bryan “The Ethics of Time in the Myth of Plato’s Statesman


Conference Dinner


Wednesday 23rd October

Sala d’Actes – Philosophy Dept. UAB


10:45-11:45 Daniel Vázquez “Before the Creation of Time in Plato’s Timaeus

12:00-13:00 Alberto Ross “God and Causality in Simplicius”


14:30-15:30 José M. Zamora “The Paradigm for the Cosmos. Syrianus’ Reading of Tim. 28c5–29a2”


15:45-16:45 Ricardo Salles “One classic problem in the Stoic theory of time and its Platonic background”